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Documents Lambert Leopold 8 résultats

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- 101 p.
Cote : A-LAM
Volume 04 : Index of the Book
Introduction: The Law Turned Into Walls
01/ Architecture and the Law: An Epistolary Exchange With Dr. Lucy Finchett-Maddock
02/ Remus Has to Die
03/ Trapped in the Border's Thickness
04/ Absurdity and Greatness of the Law: The Siege of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
05/ The Space Beyond the Walls: Defensive “A-legal” Sanctuaries
06/ The Reasons for Disobeying a Law
07/ Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A Territory of Experiments for the State of Israel
08/ Palestine: What Does the International Legislation Say
09/ In Praise of the Essence of the American Second Amendment: The Importance of Self-Contradiction in a System
10/ Power, Violence, Law by Costas Douzinas
11/ Fortress London: Missiles on Your Roof
12/ Short Digression About the Future of Drones (After Seeing One at JFK)
13/ Quadrillage: Urban Plague Quarantine & Retro-Medieval Boston
14/ Historical Map of Quarantine
15/ Collision, Sexuality and Resistance
16/ The Spatial Issues at Stake in Occupy Wall Street: Considering the Privately Owned Public Spaces
17/ Strategies for Subversive Urban Occupation by Recetas Urbanas
18/ Is Housing a Human Right? Considering the “Take Back the Land” Manifesto
19/ Center for Urban Pedagogy (Index of the Book[-]
Volume 04 : Index of the Book
Introduction: The Law Turned Into Walls
01/ Architecture and the Law: An Epistolary Exchange With Dr. Lucy Finchett-Maddock
02/ Remus Has to Die
03/ Trapped in the Border's Thickness
04/ Absurdity and Greatness of the Law: The Siege of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
05/ The Space Beyond the Walls: Defensive “A-legal” Sanctuaries
06/ The Reasons for Disobeying a Law
07/ Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A ...[+]


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- 103 p.
Cote : A-LAM
Volume 03_Deleuze compiles blog posts by Léopold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by Élie Faure and Gerald Raunig) on : Minor Architects and Funambulists: A Shared Architectural Manifesto — Abécédaire — What Is It to Be “From the Left” — The Ritournelle (refrain) as a Territorial Song Invoking the Power of the Cosmos — The Body as a Desiring Machine — Minor Literature — What Remains from Francis Bacon — Transpierce the Mountains: Indian Medieval Art History by Élie Faure — Processes of Smoothing and Striation of Space in Urban Warfare — A Thousand Machines by Gerald Raunig — Foucault and the Society of Control — Control and Becoming: A Conversation Between Negri and Deleuze — “I Leave it to You to Find Your Own Instrument of Combat”: Deleuze Quotes Proust — “A Sunflower Seed Lost in a Wall is Capable of Shattering that Wall” — Deleuze's Wave: About Spinoza — Power (Potentia) vs. Power (Potestas): The Story of a Joyful Typhoon — The World of Affects or Why Adam Got Poisoned by the Apple — The Spinozist “Scream”: What Can a Body Do? — “Comment disposer mes tribus? Le délire est géographico-politique” — The Hypochondriac Body — A Short Political Reading of Leibniz's Small Sensations — The Infinite Worlds Folded in the Dresses of Yiqing Yin — The Two Architectures of the Infinite Possible Worlds: Leibniz's Pyramid & Borges's Garden of Forking Paths — Lecture by Gilles Deleuze About the Act of Creation (May 1987)En ligne : http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-03-deleuze/[-]
Volume 03_Deleuze compiles blog posts by Léopold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by Élie Faure and Gerald Raunig) on : Minor Architects and Funambulists: A Shared Architectural Manifesto — Abécédaire — What Is It to Be “From the Left” — The Ritournelle (refrain) as a Territorial Song Invoking the Power of the Cosmos — The Body as a Desiring Machine — Minor Literature — What Remains from Francis Bacon — Transpierce the Mountains: Indian Medieval Art ...[+]


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- 101 p.
Cote : A-LAM
Volume 02_Foucault compiles blog posts by Léopold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by Stanley Shostak and Anthony Vidler) on : Foucault and Architecture: The Encounter that Never Was — The Architectural Underestimation — “Do Not Become Enamored with Power” — “Mon Corps, Topie Impitoyable” — The Cartography of Power — The Political Technology of the Body — Architecture and Discipline: The Hospital — Questioning Heterotopology — Foucault and the Society of Control — Quadrillage: Urban Plague Quarantine & Retro-Medieval Boston — The Inscription of Gender in Our Bodies: Norm Production in Foucault and Butler — Modes of Subversion Against the Pharmacopornographic Society: Testo Junkie by Beatriz Preciado — “My Desire is Someone Else's Fiction” — The Architectural Paradigm of the Society of Control: The Immanent Panopticon — The Counter-Biopolitical Bioscleave Experiment: Bioscleave, Shaping our Biological Niches (by Stanley Shostak) — Diagrams of Utopia (by Anthony Vidler) — Quarantine and Remoteness: Paranoia and Mechanisms of Precautionary Incarceration — Prison Information Group: Michel Foucault, Jean-Marie Domenach & Pierre Vidal-Naquet.
en ligne : http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-vol-02_foucault/[-]
Volume 02_Foucault compiles blog posts by Léopold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by Stanley Shostak and Anthony Vidler) on : Foucault and Architecture: The Encounter that Never Was — The Architectural Underestimation — “Do Not Become Enamored with Power” — “Mon Corps, Topie Impitoyable” — The Cartography of Power — The Political Technology of the Body — Architecture and Discipline: The Hospital — Questioning Heterotopology — Foucault and the ...[+]


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- 102 p.
Cote : A-LAM
Premier volume des Funambulist pamphlets, dédié à Spinoza, compilation de 18 articles publiés par Léopold Lambert, architecte DESA, sur son blog "The Funambulist Bodies Space & Politics" entre 2010 et 2013.
au sommaire :
The Marxian Reading of Capitalism Through a Spinozist Conceptology — Spinozist Determinism, or How Caesar Could Not Have Not Crossed the Rubicon — Power (Potentia) vs. Power (Potestas): The Story of a Joyful Typhoon — The World of Affects, or Why Adam Got Poisoned by the Apple — The Spinozist Scream: What Can a Body Do? — Applied Spinozism: The Body in Kurosawa's Cinema — Applied Spinozism: Architectures of the Sky vs. Architectures of the Earth — Architectures of Joy: A Spinozist Reading of Parent+Virilio & Arakawa+Gins's Architecture — Architecture of the Conatus: “Tentative Constructing Towards a Holding in Place” — The Body as a Material Assemblage in Japanese Martial Arts & Dance as Seen by Basile Doganis — Deleuze's Wave about Spinoza — A Sunflower Seed Lost in a Wall is Capable of Blowing Out that Wall — Descartes vs. Spinoza: A Personal Reading of Tarp Not Nature — The Weight of the Body Falling — Spinozist Collision — The Weight of the Body Dancing — Spinozist Gravity: The Real Difference between the Old and New Star Wars — Spike Lee's Dolly Shot: The Inexorability of Immanence.
En ligne : http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-1-spinoza/[-]
Premier volume des Funambulist pamphlets, dédié à Spinoza, compilation de 18 articles publiés par Léopold Lambert, architecte DESA, sur son blog "The Funambulist Bodies Space & Politics" entre 2010 et 2013.
au sommaire :
The Marxian Reading of Capitalism Through a Spinozist Conceptology — Spinozist Determinism, or How Caesar Could Not Have Not Crossed the Rubicon — Power (Potentia) vs. Power (Potestas): The Story of a Joyful Typhoon — The World o...[+]


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- 178-[24 ]p.
Cote : A-LAM
Partant du postulat de l'instrumentalisation de l'architecture comme arme politique Léopold Lambert, contextualise cette théorie dans le conflit israelo palestinien et renverse la donne en faisant de l'architecture une arme au service de la lutte palestinienne. Abri semi-enterré, espaces souterrains, galeries et tunnels, poteaux, tentes, associés à des plateformes de culture sont l'expression du combat. En annexe, quelques extraits d'un roman graphique "Lost in the line " (2010)[-]
Partant du postulat de l'instrumentalisation de l'architecture comme arme politique Léopold Lambert, contextualise cette théorie dans le conflit israelo palestinien et renverse la donne en faisant de l'architecture une arme au service de la lutte palestinienne. Abri semi-enterré, espaces souterrains, galeries et tunnels, poteaux, tentes, associés à des plateformes de culture sont l'expression du combat. En annexe, quelques extraits d'un roman ...[+]


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City Lambert Leopold | 5 cents ID 2008


- non pag.
Cote : 77-LAM
Ouvrage présentant des photographies de villes chinoises par Léopold Lambert, DESA 2008.


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- 107p.
Cote : DIPL.08-054
Questionnement autour du concept d'espace public et de ville démocratique, parcours historique et philosophique de ses notions et interview de Yona Friedman, Peter Cook et François Roche.
Le projet est celui de donner la possibilité de l'émergence d'une architecture démocratique, partant d'une forme organique la « spicule », par agrégat et ou accumulation, cette forme / objet permet l'appropriation et la transformation par tous de l'espace public.
Table des illustrations.
Questionnement autour du concept d'espace public et de ville démocratique, parcours historique et philosophique de ses notions et interview de Yona Friedman, Peter Cook et François Roche.
Le projet est celui de donner la possibilité de l'émergence d'une architecture démocratique, partant d'une forme organique la « spicule », par agrégat et ou accumulation, cette forme / objet permet l'appropriation et la transformation par tous de l'espace ...[+]


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Créer & produire Lambert Leopold |

Mémoire prof.-HMO

vol. 1 - 20 p.
Cote : HMO.09-003
Présentation de l'agence française R&Sie(n), "plate-forme prospective de création architecturale" qui existe depuis vingt ans et expérience de l'auteur, au travers d'un projet d'habitation en Corée du Sud, à Heyri.




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