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Documents Architectural Design 20 résultats

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International House
Ealing Broadway Centre
W5 5DB

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- 88 p.
Cote : R6581
Croquis perspectifs, (maison La Roche-Jeanneret, Les Terasses), axonométriques (Villa Cook, Ternissien, Planeix, Baizeau), plans-masse et élévations pour Ronchamp, Palais des soviets, Centrosoyus, photos des réalisations en Inde.


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- n° 94 - 144 p.
Every year, nearly 100 billion tonnes of raw material globally is extracted from the earth – approximately half of it for construction purposes. The construction industry is responsible for an estimated third of global waste, while reuse of construction materials is not increasing fast enough. The same sector accounts for at least 40 per cent of global carbon-dioxide emissions. There is thus an urgent need to showcase how novel approaches in digital fabrication might be able to enhance thesustainability of buildings and transform construction. Featuring specialists from architecture, engineering and materials science, this AD presents innovative research and new construction systems, approaches and trends to demonstrate how existing methods and unique concepts that utilise cutting-edge technologies can, in a short space of time, help us advance towards a culture of sustainable construction. It focuses on digital design and manufacturing, including XR technologies, and highlights unique ways to build with earth or concrete.[-]
Every year, nearly 100 billion tonnes of raw material globally is extracted from the earth – approximately half of it for construction purposes. The construction industry is responsible for an estimated third of global waste, while reuse of construction materials is not increasing fast enough. The same sector accounts for at least 40 per cent of global carbon-dioxide emissions. There is thus an urgent need to showcase how novel ...[+]


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- n° 2024-N°1-Vol. 94 - 136 p.
The Posthuman is the new pardigm of architecture.
Encompassing related topics such as the post-Anthropocene, more-than-human, non-human, trans-human, anti-human and meta-human, this AD present a synthesis of the architectural Posthuman.


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- n° 2024 N°2 - vol 94 - 136 p.
American architect Lebbeus Woods (1940-2012) remains a quiet hero not only among his colleagues, but also architectural students intrigued by the ideas and fluent beauty of his powerful graphic verve, as well as of his writing. His projects from the mid 1980s until the end of his life have been widely published. This AD in collaboration with the Esatate of Lebbeus Woods, explores the earlier period beginning in the late 1960s when Woods was honing his draughtsmanship and theoritical positions while experimenting with a variety of themes and differents modes of expression.[-]
American architect Lebbeus Woods (1940-2012) remains a quiet hero not only among his colleagues, but also architectural students intrigued by the ideas and fluent beauty of his powerful graphic verve, as well as of his writing. His projects from the mid 1980s until the end of his life have been widely published. This AD in collaboration with the Esatate of Lebbeus Woods, explores the earlier period beginning in the late 1960s when Woods was ...[+]


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- n° 94-N°2

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- n° N°1 - vol 93 - 2023 - 136
Special Issue:Urban Dystopias: Lofty Ideals to Shocking Realities
Pages: 1-136
January/February 2023

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Pages: 1-4

About the Guest-Editors
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 5

A Truly Golden Handbook of Urban DYStopias
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 6-13

Urban Farming: The Reluctant Utopia
Daniele Belleri, Carlo Ratti
Pages: 14-21

Pertopia: Speculative Thinking in a Short-Term World
Justyna Karakiewicz
Pages: 22-29

Broadband-acre City: ‘No Traffic Problem, No Buffering'
Marcus White, Stephen Glackin
Pages: 30-37

The Mega-Eco-38 Garden City: Stories of Rewilding and Ecodystopia
Nano Langenheim, Kongjian Yu
Pages: 38-45

An Urban Odyssey: City Beautiful to City Instagrammable
Jordi Oliveras
Pages: 46-53

Arcological City: Going Underground
Jane Burry, Mehrnoush Latifi
Pages: 54-61

Request permissions
Cool Urbanism: The Radiant Exitance City
Marcus White, Tianyi Yang
Pages: 62-71

The City of Frictionless Mobility
Ian Woodcock
Pages: 72-79

High-Definition City: An Invisible Horizon of Technological Human Space
Andong Lu, Jane Burry, Marcus White
Pages: 80-87

The Promises of Postcolonial Utopias: Perspectives from the Global South
Tridib Banerjee
Pages: 88-95

Cité Industrielle 4.0: Zoning for the Latest Revolution
Jane Burry
Pages: 96-103

Another Normal: A Techno-Social Alternative to Techno-Feudal Cities
Kas Oosterhuis
Pages: 104-111

The Floating ‘Urban Village': Makoko Futures
Dan Nyandega
Pages: 112-119

GAN-Physarum: Shaping the Future of the Urbansphere
Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto
Pages: 120-127

From Another Perspective
Fanning the Flames of the City Heat: Anton Markus Pasing
Neil Spiller
Pages: 128-133F

Backlist Titles
Pages: 136 [-]
Special Issue:Urban Dystopias: Lofty Ideals to Shocking Realities
Pages: 1-136
January/February 2023

Export Citation(s)

Pages: 1-4

About the Guest-Editors
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 5

A Truly Golden Handbook of Urban DYStopias
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 6-13

Urban Farming: The Reluctant Utopia
Daniele Belleri, Carlo Ratti
Pages: 14-21

Pertopia: Speculative Thinking in a Short-Term ...[+]


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- n° N°6 - vol 92 - 2022 - 136p
November/December 2022

About the Guest-Editors
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Repair, Reworld: The Many Ways of Saying ‘No'
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Prologue: Drawing an Argument for Refusal
Ozayr Saloojee

Centring Civilisation: Now and After the Apocalypse
Alberto de Salvatierra

Digital Doubles: The Major Agency of Minor Bits
Lucía Jalón Oyarzun

Expanding Bodies: Pedagogical Models for Pluralistic Spatialities
Quilian Riano

Shebeen Operations: Navigating Deviance
Thireshen Govender

Earth Versus FIFA: Resisting Globalisation on the Open Pitch
Hannah le Roux

A Cottage to Breathe In: Refusing Museums, Making Homes
Ilze Wolff

A Space of Problems: The Child-Cities of Columbus
Jennifer Newsom, Tom Carruthers

Reclaiming Their Future: Riotous Resistance and Indigenous Creativity in South America's Highest Metropolis
Carwil Bjork-James

The Eruv as Legal Fiction: Changing Rules in the Public Realm
Piper Bernbaum

From Altars to Alterity: Offerings and Inheritances for Queer Vietnamese Kin
Thompson Cong Nguyen

101 Ways to Refuse a Wall
Chat Travieso

Meanwhile Bodies: Architecture Without Property
Cathy Smith

To Not Refuse Our Ravaged World
Jill Stoner

From Another Perspective
Balking in the Balkans: Lebbeus Woods – Zagreb Free Zone Revisited
Neil Spiller[-]
November/December 2022

About the Guest-Editors
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Repair, Reworld: The Many Ways of Saying ‘No'
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Prologue: Drawing an Argument for Refusal
Ozayr Saloojee

Centring Civilisation: Now and After the Apocalypse
Alberto de Salvatierra

Digital Doubles: The Major Agency of Minor Bits
Lucía Jalón Oyarzun

Expanding Bodies: Pedagogical Models for Pluralistic Spatialities
Quilian ...[+]

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- n° 5-92-2022 - 128p.
Architectural DesignVolume 92, Issue 5

Collections: Serious Fun: The Arty-Tecture of Will Alsop
About the Guest-Editor
Samantha Hardingham

On the Visible Spectrum
Samantha Hardingham

Notes on a 20-Year Partnership: Challenging Architecture and Each Other
John Lyall

Where There's a Will …
Peter Cook

A Second Course in Architecture
Samantha Hardingham

Willie Wonky and the Arty-tecture Factory
Nigel Coates

Will Power
Paul Finch

Collections: Serious Fun: The Arty-Tecture of Will Alsop
Yes, This Is Architecture
Neil Thomas

Forty B&H and a Pork Pie: My Dad the Architect
Ollie Alsop

Collaboration and Friendship, Art and Architecture
Will McLean

Seeing Things Differently: Painting, the Object and the Art of Conversation
Clare Hamman

The WillS of Words: An Alsop Mediagraphy
Mark Garcia

Art of the Impossible: A Posthumous Supercrit
Kester Rattenbury

Building Knowledge: Reflections on Peckham Library
Thomas Aquilina

Back to His Roots: aLL Design – the Legacy of an All-inclusive Architect
Marcos Rosello

From Another Perspective
Five Cigarettes or Seven?
Neil Spiller


Backlist Titles[-]
Architectural DesignVolume 92, Issue 5

Collections: Serious Fun: The Arty-Tecture of Will Alsop
About the Guest-Editor
Samantha Hardingham

On the Visible Spectrum
Samantha Hardingham

Notes on a 20-Year Partnership: Challenging Architecture and Each Other
John Lyall

Where There's a Will …
Peter Cook

A Second Course in Architecture
Samantha Hardingham

Willie Wonky and the Arty-tecture Factory
Nigel Coates

Will ...[+]

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- n° N°4 - vol 92 - 2022 - 136p.
Removing the Cataracts: Architectural Imagination - Neil Spiller
Fantastical Monsters: The Persistent Memory of Machines - Aaron Betsky
Constructing Indeterminacy: A Détournement of Didactic Models - Penelope Haralambidou
Consistency in Change: Architecture for Optimistic Living - Ricardo de Ostos
Shallow to Deep: Drawing as Close Encounter - Michael McGarry
Visceral Encounters: Unevenness in Moments of Foundational Apprehension - Jason Young
Making Rainbows: Landscapes for Negotiation - Sarah de Villiers
Urban Cartographies: Drawing Seen Through Bacon's Painting - Peter Salter
World-Shaping: Choreographies of Mapping and Construction - Robin Wilson
A Moving Grove: Our Climate Future and Its Branching Possibilities - Nicholas de Monchaux
Thick Fields and Aberrant Transmutations - Chris L Smith
Hermeneutic Imagination: Drawing Out Freud - Alberto Pérez-Gómez
King of Infinite Space: The Talisman and the Temple - Neil Spiller
Moments – On the Dissecting Table - Wolfgang Tschapeller
A Band of Colours: Spectral Assemblies - Ulrika Karlsson
From Another Perspective
Valuing Drawings: The Tchoban Foundation - Neil Spiller
Backlist Titles[-]
Removing the Cataracts: Architectural Imagination - Neil Spiller
Fantastical Monsters: The Persistent Memory of Machines - Aaron Betsky
Constructing Indeterminacy: A Détournement of Didactic Models - Penelope Haralambidou
Consistency in Change: Architecture for Optimistic Living - Ricardo de Ostos
Shallow to Deep: Drawing as Close Encounter - Michael McGarry
Visceral Encounters: Unevenness in Moments of Foundational ...[+]

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- n° N°3 - vol 92 - 2022 - 144p
AI is already part of our lives even though we might not realise it. It is in our phones, filtering spam, identifying Facebook friends, and classifying our images on Instagram. It is in our homes in the form of Siri, Alexa and other AI assistants. It is in our cars and our planes. AI is literally everywhere. Artworks generated by AI have won international prizes, and have been sold at auction. But what does AI mean for the world of design?

This issue of AD explores the nature of AI, and considers its potential for architecture. But this is no idle speculation. Architects have already started using AI for architectural design and fabrication. Yet - astonishingly - there has been almost no debate about AI within the discipline of architecture so far. Surely, nothing can be more important for the profession of architecture right now. The issue looks at all aspects of AI: its potential to assist architects in designing buildings so that it becomes a form of 'augmented intelligence'; its capacity to design buildings on its own; and whether AI might open up an extraordinary new chapter in architectural design.

Contributors: Refik Anadol; Daniel Bolojan; Alexa Carlson; Sofia Crespo and Feileacan McCormick; Gabriel Esquivel, Jean Jaminet and Shane Bugni; Behnaz Farahi; Theodoros Galanos and Angelos Chronis; Eduard Haiman; Wanyu He; Damjan Jovanovic and Lidija Kljakovic; Immanuel Koh; Maria Kuptsova; Sandra Manninger; Lev Manovich; Achim Menges and Thomas Wortmann; Wolf dPrix, Karolin Schmidbaur and Efilena Baseta; M Casey Rehm; and Hao Zheng and Masoud Akbarzadeh.

Featured architects: Alisa Andrasek, Coop Himmelb(l)au, Lifeforms.io, Nonstandardstudio,SPAN, Kyle Steinfeld, Studio Kinch and Xkool Technology.[-]
AI is already part of our lives even though we might not realise it. It is in our phones, filtering spam, identifying Facebook friends, and classifying our images on Instagram. It is in our homes in the form of Siri, Alexa and other AI assistants. It is in our cars and our planes. AI is literally everywhere. Artworks generated by AI have won international prizes, and have been sold at auction. But what does AI mean for the world of design?

This ...[+]

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- n° 2 mars -avril 2022 Vol. 92 - 128 p.
Redactrice en chef invitée : Viola Ago
Chaos, Creativity, Change: The Cybernetic Logic of Late Capitalism
Architectonisation: The Spatio-Temporal Rhythms of Contemporary Sculptural Practices
Kombinat: The Unseen and Their Architectural Oddkins
Painterly, Misfit and Redundant: Challenging Precision and Optimisation with Scavenging
Moving Pictures: Three Installations for Public Life
Rude Forms Among Us: Contemporary Construction of Prehistoric Ruins
‘Strange Networks': Inhabiting the Boundary Condition A Conversation with Thom Mayne
Chromophobia in the ‘Smart' City
Images of Former Futures and Reformations
Rendering Representational Atmosphere Appropriating Formalisms Around Invisible Objects in Film
Signature Urbanism: Shaping Subperceptual Forms for the New Multispectral City
Rebellious Architecture: Bayou Reconstructed
An Aesthetic of Collapse: Alternative Form, Disorder and Indeterminacy A Conversation with Jack Halberstam
Sculpting the Forest of Symbols Nick Ervinck[-]
Redactrice en chef invitée : Viola Ago
Chaos, Creativity, Change: The Cybernetic Logic of Late Capitalism
Architectonisation: The Spatio-Temporal Rhythms of Contemporary Sculptural Practices
Kombinat: The Unseen and Their Architectural Oddkins
Painterly, Misfit and Redundant: Challenging Precision and Optimisation with Scavenging
Moving Pictures: Three Installations for Public Life
Rude Forms Among Us: Contemporary Construction of Prehistoric ...[+]


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- n° N°1 - janv. fev 2022 vol. 92 - 136 p.
Rédacteur en chef invité : José Alfredo Ramirez


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- n° N°5 vol.91 2021 - 136 p.
Ce numéro de septembre-octobre 2021est dirigé par Dongwoo Yim, Rafael Luna.
Sommaire :
Factories for Urban Living: Retooling 21st-Century Production
The New Industrial Urbanism par Tali Hatuka
The Digital Reindustrialisation of Cities par Vicente Guallart
Nothing Is Automatic: Producing More-Than-Human Relations in the Pearl River Delta par Marina Otero Verzier
Salad Days: Urban Food Futures par Scott Lloyd, Alexis Kalagas
The New Industrial Commons: Worker-Owners and Factory Space, Nina Rappaport
From Food Hub to Food Port: In Conversation with OMA's Shohei Shigematsu
Occupying Africa: Prototyping a Transformal Makerspace Network, [-]
Ce numéro de septembre-octobre 2021est dirigé par Dongwoo Yim, Rafael Luna.
Sommaire :
Factories for Urban Living: Retooling 21st-Century Production
The New Industrial Urbanism par Tali Hatuka
The Digital Reindustrialisation of Cities par Vicente Guallart
Nothing Is Automatic: Producing More-Than-Human Relations in the Pearl River Delta par Marina Otero Verzier
Salad Days: Urban Food Futures par Scott Lloyd, Alexis Kalagas
The New Industrial ...[+]


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- n° Vol.88 N°3 Mai-juin - 136 p.
traduction de l'éditorial :
La profession d' architecte est en crise : depuis des décennies, les architectes ont vu leur rôle se réduire au profit d'autres disciplines. L'architecte, autrefois chef d'orchestre, n'est plus aujourd'hui qu'un rouage dans une machine vaste et de plus en plus complexe.
Comment trouver une issue à cette crise ? Comment les architectes pourraient-ils réaffirmer l'importance de leur rôle et de leur influence? Deux tendances apparaissent : d'un côté ceux qui croient que les architectes doivent recentrer leur attention sur les exigences internes de la discipline. De l'autre, ceux qui soutiennent que les architectes doivent, au contraire, se familiariser avec ce que beaucoup considèrent encore comme la mission fondamentale de la discipline, qui est de faire progresser le progrès social et de promouvoir le bien public,
Au fond, cette question concerne la liberté, si les architectes la possèdent encore - s'ils l'ont jamais connue-et s'il est possible de trouver l'autonomie professionnelle, disciplinaire et individuelle pour pouvoir définir les domaines de leur propre pratique. Présentant une variété de points de vue ce numéronous amène au cœur de ce que la liberté signifie pour l'architecture lorsqu'elle s'adapte et évolue en fonction des contextes changeants dans lesquels elle est pratiquée au 21e siècle.

Phillip Bernstein, Peggy Deamer, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Kate Goodwin, Charles Holland, Anna Minton, Patrik Schumacher, Alex Scott-Whitby, Ines Weizman et Sarah Wigglesworth.

Architectes en vedette : Atelier Kite, ScottWhitbyStudio, C + S Architects, Anupama Kundoo, Noero Architects, Umbrellium et Zaha Hadid Architects.

About the Guest Editor : Owen Hopkins
Owen Hopkins, Architecture and the Paradox of Freedom
Peggy Deamer, (Un)Free Work: Architecture, Labour and Self Determination
Jo Noero , Limits to Freedom: Liberating Form, Programme and Ethics
Ines Weizman, Architecture's Internal Exile: Experiments in Digital Documentation of Adolf Loos's Vienna Houses
Sarah Wigglesworth, Unlocking Pentonville: Architectural Liberation in Self Initiated Projects
Alex Scott Whitby The Freedom of Being Three: The Art of Architectural Growing Up
Anupama Kundoo, Freedom from the Known: Imagining the Future Without the Baggage of the Past
Kata Fodor, Lessons from Launching an Alternative Architectural Practice
Adam Nathaniel Furman, The Freedom of Aesthetics
Patrik Schumacher, Freedom Via Soft Order: Architecture as a Foil for Social Self?organisation
Anna Minton, The Paradox of Safety and Fear: Security in Public Space
Carlo Cappai, Maria Alessandra Segantini, Seeds of Legacy: Hybrid and Flexible Spaces
Charles Holland, Wild Architecture: The Potential of Self Build Settlements
Owen Hopkins, Cultivating Spaces to Take Risks: An Interview with the Royal Academy of Arts' Kate Goodwin
Owen Hopkins, Shared Memories of a Possible Future: An Interview with Umbrellium's Usman Haque
Phil Bernstein, The Omniscience and Dependency of Practice
traduction de l'éditorial :
La profession d' architecte est en crise : depuis des décennies, les architectes ont vu leur rôle se réduire au profit d'autres disciplines. L'architecte, autrefois chef d'orchestre, n'est plus aujourd'hui qu'un rouage dans une machine vaste et de plus en plus complexe.
Comment trouver une issue à cette crise ? Comment les architectes pourraient-ils réaffirmer l'importance de leur rôle et de leur influence? Deux ...[+]


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- n° Vol.88 N°1 janv.-fev. 2018 - 136 p.
Editeurs Invités de ce numéro : John Nastasi, Ed May and Clarke Snell du Stevens Institute of Technology dans le New Jersey, qui ont conduit le projet lauréat de la "SU+RE House" pour le concours du Solar Decathlon en 2015 aux Etats-Unis.
A propos de ce prototype, dont la conception est détaillée, le numéro s'intéresse plus globalement à la question environnementale et énergétique en architecture et aux solutions pour prévenir et adapter les constructions au changement climatique par des capacités de résilience et de durabilité. Il évoque les procédés de modélisation et de simulation dans la recherche d'efficacité énergétique et de confort.
Auteurs : Bronwyn Barry, Michael Bruno, Alex Carpenter, Adam Cohen, Ann Holtzman, Ken Levenson, Brady Peters, Terri Peters, Craig Robertson, Karin Stieldorf, Alex Washburn, Claire Weisz, and Graham Wright.
Architectes cités : : 3XN, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM), FXFOWLE Architects, Local Office Landscape Architecture, Lateral Office, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Structures Design/Build, and WXY architecture + urban design.[-]
Editeurs Invités de ce numéro : John Nastasi, Ed May and Clarke Snell du Stevens Institute of Technology dans le New Jersey, qui ont conduit le projet lauréat de la "SU+RE House" pour le concours du Solar Decathlon en 2015 aux Etats-Unis.
A propos de ce prototype, dont la conception est détaillée, le numéro s'intéresse plus globalement à la question environnementale et énergétique en architecture et aux solutions pour prévenir et adapter les ...[+]


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- n° vol. 87 n°6 nov.-dec. 2017 - 136 p.
Sommaire :
What is 3D-Printed Body Architectre ?
Curating the Digital
Digitally Crafted Coutoure
Mass Customisation
Micromechanical Assemblies and the Human Body
Reinventing Shoes
Size matters
Materials Behaviours in 3D-Printed Fashion Items
Clay Bodies
Crystalline Tectonics
Tectonism in Architecture, Design and Fashion
The Shape of Touch
The Sonic Spectacle of the Enhanced Body[-]
Sommaire :
What is 3D-Printed Body Architectre ?
Curating the Digital
Digitally Crafted Coutoure
Mass Customisation
Micromechanical Assemblies and the Human Body
Reinventing Shoes
Size matters
Materials Behaviours in 3D-Printed Fashion Items
Clay Bodies
Crystalline Tectonics
Tectonism in Architecture, Design and Fashion
The Shape of Touch
The Sonic Spectacle of the Enhanced Body[+]

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- n° Vol.87 N°5- sept-oct. - 144 p.
Redacteur invité : Alex Lifschutz de l'agence Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands (RIBA 2015)
Introduction : Long Life, Loose Fit, Low Energy
Back to the Future: The Everyday Built Environment in a Phase of Transition
Learning from the West Coast: Long-Termism and Change –Interview with Stewart Brand
NEUBAU: Flexible Self-Build Cities in Germany
Japanese Innovation in Adaptable Homes
Adaptability: A Low-Carbon Strategy
Four Decades of Open Building Implementation: Realising Individual Agency in Architectural Infrastructures Designed to Last
The Fetish of Flexibility: Farrell/Grimshaw Partnership, 125 Park Road, London
Flexible Architecture for Evolving Work Practices
System Separation: A Fitting Strategy for Future Development
Dead and Dying Shopping Malls, Re-Inhabited
Shaping Mexico City: Evolutionary Housing for Low-Income Urban Families
Educational Innovation through Building Adaptation
Revolution and Evolution: The Architectural Association
Continuity and Change: Challenging the Disposable Chinese City
Self Build and Change: Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong
Designing Landscapes for Change: Albertopolis
Mixing Up the Mediterranean Model: Architecture Amid Urban Flux par Luca Molinari
Redacteur invité : Alex Lifschutz de l'agence Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands (RIBA 2015)
Introduction : Long Life, Loose Fit, Low Energy
Back to the Future: The Everyday Built Environment in a Phase of Transition
Learning from the West Coast: Long-Termism and Change –Interview with Stewart Brand
NEUBAU: Flexible Self-Build Cities in Germany
Japanese Innovation in Adaptable Homes
Adaptability: A Low-Carbon Strategy
Four Decades of Open ...[+]




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