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Architectural Design - N°6 - vol 92 - 2022 - Architectural of Refusal

Sommaire de revue

Architectural Design;Architectural Design




November/December 2022

About the Guest-Editors
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Repair, Reworld: The Many Ways of Saying ‘No'
Jill Stoner, Ozayr Saloojee

Prologue: Drawing an Argument for Refusal
Ozayr Saloojee

Centring Civilisation: Now and After the Apocalypse
Alberto de Salvatierra

Digital Doubles: The Major Agency of Minor Bits
Lucía Jalón Oyarzun

Expanding Bodies: Pedagogical Models for Pluralistic Spatialities
Quilian Riano

Shebeen Operations: Navigating Deviance
Thireshen Govender

Earth Versus FIFA: Resisting Globalisation on the Open Pitch
Hannah le Roux

A Cottage to Breathe In: Refusing Museums, Making Homes
Ilze Wolff

A Space of Problems: The Child-Cities of Columbus
Jennifer Newsom, Tom Carruthers

Reclaiming Their Future: Riotous Resistance and Indigenous Creativity in South America's Highest Metropolis
Carwil Bjork-James

The Eruv as Legal Fiction: Changing Rules in the Public Realm
Piper Bernbaum

From Altars to Alterity: Offerings and Inheritances for Queer Vietnamese Kin
Thompson Cong Nguyen

101 Ways to Refuse a Wall
Chat Travieso

Meanwhile Bodies: Architecture Without Property
Cathy Smith

To Not Refuse Our Ravaged World
Jill Stoner

From Another Perspective
Balking in the Balkans: Lebbeus Woods – Zagreb Free Zone Revisited
Neil Spiller

Langue : Anglais

N° revue : N°6 - vol 92 - 2022

Niveau d'autorisation : Public
