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Documents Ashley Simone 1 résultats

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- 272 p.
Cote : 712_00 (FRA)
Throughout history,
the relationship between landscape and architecture has formed the basis of culture and the development of human settlements. The unfolding of a site, its transformation through the construction of buildings or of entire cities, translates into this basic idea: that history extends geography. In recent decades, generic architecture has increasingly homogenized the appearance of different territories, resulting in a profoundly different understanding of nature and landscape.

Within hiswork, French architect and urban planner Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descourscontinuously articulates the relationship between landscape andarchitecture. This book traces his line of thought by reflecting on 16 projects and their specific conditions.[-]
Throughout history,
the relationship between landscape and architecture has formed the basis of culture and the development of human settlements. The unfolding of a site, its transformation through the construction of buildings or of entire cities, translates into this basic idea: that history extends geography. In recent decades, generic architecture has increasingly homogenized the appearance of different territories, resulting in a profoundly ...[+]




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