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Architectural Design - 2023 N°1 - vol 93 - 2023
Special Issue:Urban Dystopias: Lofty Ideals to Shocking Realities

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Architectural Design





Special Issue:Urban Dystopias: Lofty Ideals to Shocking Realities
Pages: 1-136
January/February 2023

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Pages: 1-4

About the Guest-Editors
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 5

A Truly Golden Handbook of Urban DYStopias
Marcus White, Jane Burry
Pages: 6-13

Urban Farming: The Reluctant Utopia
Daniele Belleri, Carlo Ratti
Pages: 14-21

Pertopia: Speculative Thinking in a Short-Term World
Justyna Karakiewicz
Pages: 22-29

Broadband-acre City: ‘No Traffic Problem, No Buffering'
Marcus White, Stephen Glackin
Pages: 30-37

The Mega-Eco-38 Garden City: Stories of Rewilding and Ecodystopia
Nano Langenheim, Kongjian Yu
Pages: 38-45

An Urban Odyssey: City Beautiful to City Instagrammable
Jordi Oliveras
Pages: 46-53

Arcological City: Going Underground
Jane Burry, Mehrnoush Latifi
Pages: 54-61

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Cool Urbanism: The Radiant Exitance City
Marcus White, Tianyi Yang
Pages: 62-71

The City of Frictionless Mobility
Ian Woodcock
Pages: 72-79

High-Definition City: An Invisible Horizon of Technological Human Space
Andong Lu, Jane Burry, Marcus White
Pages: 80-87

The Promises of Postcolonial Utopias: Perspectives from the Global South
Tridib Banerjee
Pages: 88-95

Cité Industrielle 4.0: Zoning for the Latest Revolution
Jane Burry
Pages: 96-103

Another Normal: A Techno-Social Alternative to Techno-Feudal Cities
Kas Oosterhuis
Pages: 104-111

The Floating ‘Urban Village': Makoko Futures
Dan Nyandega
Pages: 112-119

GAN-Physarum: Shaping the Future of the Urbansphere
Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto
Pages: 120-127

From Another Perspective
Fanning the Flames of the City Heat: Anton Markus Pasing
Neil Spiller
Pages: 128-133F

Backlist Titles
Pages: 136

Langue : Anglais

N° revue : N°1 - vol 93 - 2023

Niveau d'autorisation : Public
