Architectural Design - Alt-Form Indeterminacy and disorder
Redactrice en chef invitée : Viola Ago
Chaos, Creativity, Change: The Cybernetic Logic of Late Capitalism
Architectonisation: The Spatio-Temporal Rhythms of Contemporary Sculptural Practices
Kombinat: The Unseen and Their Architectural Oddkins
Painterly, Misfit and Redundant: Challenging Precision and Optimisation with Scavenging
Moving Pictures: Three Installations for Public Life
Rude Forms Among Us: Contemporary Construction of Prehistoric Ruins
‘Strange Networks': Inhabiting the Boundary Condition A Conversation with Thom Mayne
Chromophobia in the ‘Smart' City
Images of Former Futures and Reformations
Rendering Representational Atmosphere Appropriating Formalisms Around Invisible Objects in Film
Signature Urbanism: Shaping Subperceptual Forms for the New Multispectral City
Rebellious Architecture: Bayou Reconstructed
An Aesthetic of Collapse: Alternative Form, Disorder and Indeterminacy A Conversation with Jack Halberstam
Sculpting the Forest of Symbols Nick Ervinck
Langue : Anglais
N° revue : 2 mars -avril 2022 Vol. 92
Niveau d'autorisation : Public