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Monu - Client-shaped Urbanism

Sommaire de revue

Monu Magazine on Urbanism


126 p.


- Sympathy for the devil
- What Clients Want
- The end of the dominatrix architect - Interview with Alejandro Zaera-Polo
- Expectation and Reality
- The fragmented public as an emergent condition of "weak Urbanism"
- Arkanum
- The king as client
- Arterial : the persistence of flow - after the city, this ( is how we live )
- Who is the client in a "slum" ? Towards a deterritorialization of the Client-designer Dichotomy
- Makerspaces: public as client
- The client they are a-changing
- behind the scenes: a conversation with my client
- the glass House
- Not all about beauty - Interview with Stefan Paeleman
- Negotiating the Deisgn of Emerging Urban Futures with Developer-clients
- Client-users and Public Architecture
- Architecture After the client
- Ariadn's Thread - Diverging Trajectories of Architect, client and user
- Contested grounds
- Flat lines: the shifting boundaries of Cleveland's Fiscal Topologies

Langue : Anglais

N° revue : 28

Niveau d'autorisation : Public
