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Lotus International - 169 The New, again

Sommaire de revue

Que nous apprennent les images des nouveaux projets ?
The New in Architecture

Genoa Bridge,Renzo Piano
Ponte Polcevera, Genoa, Italia, 2018
Morandi Collapse
Nina Bassoli : On the Road of the New Bridge
The Competition for the Park : Stefano Boeri, C+Z Studio, Studio 4 Architetti Associati, Corvino + Multari, OSA, Open Fabric

Les Halles, 1854-2016
Patrick Berger Jacques Anziutti Architectes
Le Pole Chatelet - Les halles, Paris, 2007-16

From Police to Art , Herzog & de Meuron
Tai kwun, Centre for Heritage & Art
Hong Kong, China, 2006-18

From Rotterdam to New York , OMA
Timmerhuis Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 2009-15

Torino città aperta / Torino Open City
CZA - Cino Zucchi Architetti
HQ Lavazza, Torino, 2011-17

Giampiero Bosoni From Reclamation to Regeneration

Grafts :Casal Balanguer, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Flores & Prats
Context :Noura al Sayeh and Leopold Banchini, House of Architectural Heritage
Muharraq, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Contrast : David Closes Auditorium in Sant Francesc Convent Santpedor, Spain, 2011

Townhouse in London31/44 Architects
Redchurch Townhouse Shoreditch, London,

Restoration, Palingenesis

Michele Nastasi Icons from the web

The Social Inspiration

Pierluigi Nicolin, From the Myth of Originality to the Culture of the Copy

URL lien : https://www.editorialelotus.it/web/item.php?id=90027

Langue : Italien ; Anglais

N° revue : N°169 dec. 2019

Niveau d'autorisation : Public
