The Funambulist : politics of space and bodies - N° 40 The land... From settler colonial property to landback
The Funambulist : politics of space and bodies;The Funambulist : politics of space and bodies
80 p.
Understanding settler colonial land dispossession, extractivism, and property and envisioning LANDBACK in South Africa, Ecuador, Turtle Island, Palestine, Alaska, Australia, Kenya, the Caribbean, and Chile.
After an issue on the Ocean and, at a moment of time when the verb “decolonizing” has been emptied of its meaning by many, we have at the heart of this issue, an interest to resituate land as the primary object of the decolonizing struggle.
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Langue : Anglais
N° revue : N° 40 fev.-mars 2022
Niveau d'autorisation : Public