9 Foreword
Nicholas Olsberg, Chief Curator, Canadian Centre for Architecture

13 The Artist as Imagineer
Marty Sklar, Vice-Chairman and Principal Creative Executive, Walt Disney Imagineering

19 Expository Expositions: Preparing for the Theme Parks
Neil Harris

29 Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks
Karal Ann Marling

179 Making Imagination Safe in the 1950s: Disneyland's Fantasy Art and Architecture
Erika Doss

191 Dineyland: Its Place in World Culture
Yi-Fu Tuan with Steven D. Hoelscher

201 Forty Years of Overstatement: Criticism and the Disney Theme Parks
Greil Marcus

209 Interview with Frank Gehry by Karal Ann Marling and Phyllis Lambert

214 Sources

219 Chronology compiled by Andrew Landsbury

223 Photographs Catherine Wagner


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