6. What's in the Flag? Indigeneity, the Nation, and the State in Mexico (Elis Mendoza)

10. June Jordan's anti-aparthied drafts from South Africa to Palestine (Amanda Joyce Hall)

14. How a genocide spreads: Mapping Anti-Tutsi radios, magazines and speeches in Rwanda (Patricia Mhoja Bandora)

20. Prison Uprisings : Introduction (Léopold Lambert)

26. Turn the Walls back to Dust (Meryem-Bahia Arfaoui [translated by : Chanelle Adams])

34. "Prisons are War" : The Long Attica Revolt and Abolition Internationalism (Orisanmi Burton [with "Millenials Are Killing Capitalism])

46. Kurdish Women's Resistance in Turkish Colonial Prisons (Berivan Kutlay Sarikaya)

54. From the Armagh Jail to the H-blocks, the body rebellion of Irish political prisoners (Síle Darragh and Laurence McKeown)

64. Prison Revolts in Colombia (Alejandro Rodirguez Pabón)

70. Sixty meters to Freedom: Escaping the Cárcel Pública in Pinochet's Chile (Yasna Mussa)