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Documents Log. 16 résultats

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Anyone Corporation
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- n° N° 51 winter/spring 2021 - 200 p.
Cote : Stock revue Log
De New Delhi à Nanjing, de Tohoku à Tulsa, de Maputo à Mito, Log 51 est un numéro ouvert, qui rassemble des essais et des observations d'architectes, d'historiens, de designers et de conservateurs du monde entier sur des sujets allant du potentiel des images et à la représentation architecturale au pouvoir de l'art et de la politique.
Un quart du numéro est consacré à Excursions in the Ecosphere (suite de The Return of Nature, Log 49) section spéciale éditée par Sanford Kwinter, avec des essais de Aleksandra Jaeschke, Gökhan Kodalak , Sanford Kwinter et Bruce Mau. [-]
De New Delhi à Nanjing, de Tohoku à Tulsa, de Maputo à Mito, Log 51 est un numéro ouvert, qui rassemble des essais et des observations d'architectes, d'historiens, de designers et de conservateurs du monde entier sur des sujets allant du potentiel des images et à la représentation architecturale au pouvoir de l'art et de la politique.
Un quart du numéro est consacré à Excursions in the Ecosphere (suite de The Return of Nature, Log 49) section ...[+]


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Log.50 Model Behaviour Davidson Cynthia C. | Log. 1547-4690 H

Numéro de Périod

- n° N°50 fall 2020 - 255 p.
Cote : Stock revues Log
Log 50 : Model Behavior interroge les modèles au sens large : quelles sont leurs valeurs, leurs comportements et les comportements qu'ils suscitent, quel rôle joue le modèle dans l'architecture aujourd'hui : essais critiques, conversations, observations, projets et provocations.
Stan Allen, “Thinking in Models”
Sean Anderson, “Compound Tenses”
Phil Bernstein, “Canonical Models of Architecture”
Cynthia Davidson, “Notes on a Concept: Model Behavior”
Joe Day, “One to One”
Penelope Dean, “Business, Actually”
Dora Epstein Jones, “Models In and Out”
David Erdman, “Mottle Behavior”
David Eskenazi, “Tired . . . and Behaving Poorly”
Marshall Ford, “Blue Foam”
Forensic Architecture, “Operative Models”
Todd Gannon, “Mind the Gaps! Toward a Pedagogy of Models and a Model Pedagogy”
Erik Herrmann, “Role Play”
Eric Höweler, “Verify in Field: Models and Other Useful Fictions”
Christian Hubert, “Model Behavior?”
Ferda Kolatan, “The Chunk Model”
Jimenez Lai, “Ephemeral Models' Permanent Ghosts”
Mark Lee & Sharon Johnston, “Models and Models of Models”
Alice Loumeau, “The World Model”
John McMorrough, “Not a Role, Model”
Michael Meredith, “A Conversation about Models”
Kiel Moe, “Architectural Agnotology & Broken World Models”
Rizal Muslimin, “Computational Puppets”
Jason Rhys Parry, “Simulating an Assassination: Four Explosion Models”
Shane Reiner-Roth, “Internet Browser”
Jesse Reiser, “Voodoo”
Paulette Singley, “Dollhouses and Other Bad Objects”
Tyler Survant, “Modeling and Remodeling the Oval Office”
Patrick Templeton, “A Model Painter: Behind the Scenes with Amy Bennett”
Neyran Turan, “Unnatural Models”
Tom Wiscombe & Marrikka Trotter, “The Inner Life of Models”
Andrew Witt, “Shadowplays: Models, Drawings, Cognitions”
Kechao Xiang, Log of Curiosity
And observations on a model education, a model city, natural models, a border model, and the Chicago model . . .[-]
Log 50 : Model Behavior interroge les modèles au sens large : quelles sont leurs valeurs, leurs comportements et les comportements qu'ils suscitent, quel rôle joue le modèle dans l'architecture aujourd'hui : essais critiques, conversations, observations, projets et provocations.
Stan Allen, “Thinking in Models”
Sean Anderson, “Compound Tenses”
Phil Bernstein, “Canonical Models of Architecture”
Cynthia Davidson, “Notes on a Concept: Model ...[+]


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Log. - N°62 fall 2024 | Log. 24/02/2025 H

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°62 fall 2024 - 184 p.
The 184 pages of Log 62 present all new authors, including 15 South Americans in a special section guest edited by Brazilian architect and critic Jaime Solares Carmona. Called Far South, the section observes contemporary architecture and criticism in South America by a generation that Solares calls “equidistant from the modernist ethos of previous generations while also distancing itself from a more radical critical approach that leans toward an ‘anthropologization' of architecture.”

Far South includes new English translations of seminal essays by architect and teacher Sérgio Ferro on brutalist architecture during the Brazilian dictatorship, and the late Argentine critic and theorist Marina Waisman's incisive analysis of critical regionalism. Argentine-born Florencia Rodríguez, director of the 2025 Chicago Biennial, discusses the dispersion of discourse, and in Bolivia, Guido Alejo Mamani documents Indigenous avant-garde aesthetics. In Brazil, Frederico Costa and Solares unpack the box as an urban typology, and Mariana Wilderom compares what she calls the “everyday monumentality” of São Paulo and Medellín, Colombia. In Chile, Alejandra Celedón grapples with architectural autonomy and social responsibility in the work of Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Alejandro Aravena, and Smiljan Radic; Carlos Eduardo Binato de Castro and Suelen Camerin examine houses by Radic and Miguel Eyquem Astorga; and José Luis Uribe Ortiz considers the role of local materials in building throughout South America. In Colombia, Plan: B Arquitectos outlines an agenda for “re-activism.” And in Ecuador, Mariana Alves Barbosa maps the global reach of women architects through the Architecture Biennial of Quito.

Also in Log 62, Michael Speaks remembers cultural critic Fredric Jameson and his contribution to architecture theory; Fernanda Canales looks at the 19th- and early 20th-century Home Improvement Movement to challenge architecture to do more rather than less; Manuel Álvarez Diestro records the need for air conditioners around the world; and Lachlan Summers investigates the lifespan of concrete in the face of earthquakes in Mexico City.[-]
The 184 pages of Log 62 present all new authors, including 15 South Americans in a special section guest edited by Brazilian architect and critic Jaime Solares Carmona. Called Far South, the section observes contemporary architecture and criticism in South America by a generation that Solares calls “equidistant from the modernist ethos of previous generations while also distancing itself from a more radical critical approach that leans toward an ...[+]


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Log. - N°61 summer 2024 | Log. 04/10/2024

Sommaire de revue

- n° 2024 - 143 p.
ÉTÉ 2024

Du bord de mer norvégien aux hauts plateaux éthiopiens; de la forêt bavaroise à la côte taiwanaise; de Venise à la Venetian de Las Vegas, le Log 61 voyage à la poursuite de l'architecture. Dans ce numéro d'été ouvert, Christopher Pierce visite des cabines conçues par Kastler Skjeseth Architects, et Motuma Tulu conduit à travers le sud de l'Éthiopie pour documenter l'architecture informelle; Tim Altenhof fait des manèges avec l'architecte Peter Haimerl pour voir ses travaux uniques de logement et de restauration, tandis que Thomas Daniell lutte avec les appendices de Kaohsiung Port Terminal de RUR.Alors qu'il est derrière le Vénitien, Cameron Wu évalue les problèmes géométriques dans la sphère de Populous. Jimenez Lai vérifie les folies architecturales de Coachella, et Ben Fehrman-Lee voit l'exposition de Frederick Kiesler en
New York.
Le log 61 inclut également les voyages spéculatifs de l'esprit, Iman Ansari préconisant un programme d'action, Kristine Chung enquêtant sur les tours de cellules parasites, et Andrew Witt creusant dans les propositions d'avant-garde de Doug Michels et Ant Farm. La question est pare-chocs avec 10 brèves observations, qui vont des revues de livres et d'expositions à l'infrastructure 5G et à la campagne de rue en constante évolution, puis se termine par un trio de fins: Todd Gannon marque la fin d'une ère avec le décès de José Oubrerie, André Patroo se demande ce que signifie parler de la « fin » de l'architecture, et Justin Beal imagine une architecture qui embrasse le monde. À partir de ces fins, de nouveaux voyages commencent.[-]
ÉTÉ 2024

Du bord de mer norvégien aux hauts plateaux éthiopiens; de la forêt bavaroise à la côte taiwanaise; de Venise à la Venetian de Las Vegas, le Log 61 voyage à la poursuite de l'architecture. Dans ce numéro d'été ouvert, Christopher Pierce visite des cabines conçues par Kastler Skjeseth Architects, et Motuma Tulu conduit à travers le sud de l'Éthiopie pour documenter l'architecture informelle; Tim Altenhof fait des manèges avec l...[+]


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Log. - N°60 the Sixth sphere | Log. 17/06/2024 H

Sommaire de revue

- n° 60 - 208 p.
L'architecture que nous habitons, les systèmes urbains dont nous dépendons et les paysages que nous transformons font tous partie de la technosphère", écrivent Albert Pope et Brittany Utting, rédacteurs invités de Log 60 : The Sixth Sphere. Pour eux, la sixième sphère est la technosphère, un système émergent créé par l'homme et enchevêtré avec les cinq sphères naturelles de la Terre : l'atmosphère, l'hydrosphère, la biosphère, la cryosphère et la lithosphère. "Considérée dans son ensemble, la technosphère comprend nos parcs d'engraissement et nos réseaux d'égouts, nos usines et nos logements, nos tarmacs et nos terres cultivées, et toutes les modifications que nous avons apportées au sol, aux glaciers, à la mer, à l'air et à la biosphère. C'est un paysage vaste et souvent banal. . . . Presque tout ce que nous faisons - préparer un repas, acheter une chemise, envoyer un message à un collègue, remplir une ordonnance, prendre un bain - nous le faisons par l'intermédiaire de la technosphère.[-]
L'architecture que nous habitons, les systèmes urbains dont nous dépendons et les paysages que nous transformons font tous partie de la technosphère", écrivent Albert Pope et Brittany Utting, rédacteurs invités de Log 60 : The Sixth Sphere. Pour eux, la sixième sphère est la technosphère, un système émergent créé par l'homme et enchevêtré avec les cinq sphères naturelles de la Terre : l'atmosphère, l'hydrosphère, la biosphère, la cryosphère et ...[+]


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- n° N°57 winter spring 2023 - 202
“Calls for more Blackness in architecture schools can be simplistic,” writes architect Darell Wayne Fields, guest editor of Log 57. Well-meaning equity and inclusion programs often simply “associate the mere presence of Black bodies with institutional change.” In Log 57, a 208-page thematic issue titled Black is . . . an' Black ain't . . ., 29 authors explore the complexities of Blackness as it relates to aesthetics and architectural pedagogy. As Fields notes, “In calling for more Blackness, I, for one, am calling for more Black methodology. An inherent characteristic of [which] is a measurement of difference.”
To that end, Log 57 gathers essays and reflections on architectural pedagogies, both in academia and in practice, by Sean Canty, Michelle JaJa Chang, Ajay Manthripragada, and Mónica Ponce de León, among others. Projects by young designers for whom methodological concepts of Black Signification and bricolage are central are presented in a four-color section, and built works and a preservation effort channel difference as a generative force in real-world communities. “This work demonstrates what is possible when methodological change is real,” writes Fields. “Real change, like Blackness, makes us nervous. Black difference, however, is revolutionary.”[-]
“Calls for more Blackness in architecture schools can be simplistic,” writes architect Darell Wayne Fields, guest editor of Log 57. Well-meaning equity and inclusion programs often simply “associate the mere presence of Black bodies with institutional change.” In Log 57, a 208-page thematic issue titled Black is . . . an' Black ain't . . ., 29 authors explore the complexities of Blackness as it relates to aesthetics and architectural pedagogy. ...[+]

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Log. - N°56 fall 2022 -
Model Behavior
| Log. 06/06/2023

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°56 fall 2022 - - 160
Fall 2022

This special issue is the cataLog for “Model Behavior,” a group exhibition of models, architectural and otherwise, curated by the Anyone Corporation and presented by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at The Cooper Union, in New York City. The exhibition, which ran October 4–November 18, 2022, questioned the role of the model in projecting or eliciting social behavior. In addition to documenting the 55 exhibited works with four-color images and project descriptions, the 160-page cataLog includes essays by curator Cynthia Davidson; by architecture theorists Jörg H. Gleiter, Kiel Moe, and Christophe Van Gerrewey; and by art historian Annabel Jane Wharton.[-]
Fall 2022

This special issue is the cataLog for “Model Behavior,” a group exhibition of models, architectural and otherwise, curated by the Anyone Corporation and presented by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at The Cooper Union, in New York City. The exhibition, which ran October 4–November 18, 2022, questioned the role of the model in projecting or eliciting social behavior. In addition to documenting the 55 exhibited works with ...[+]

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Log. - N°54 winter / spring 2022
| Log. ; Log. 21/12/2022

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°54 winter / spring 2022 - 176 p.
Log 54: Coauthoring gathers essays by and conversations with architects, curators, historians, and collectives that, as guest editors Ana Miljački and Ann Lui write, begin to “imagine the field of architecture orienting around coauthoring instead of authoring” and “challenge the model of architectural authorship that dominates both architectural discourse and the market.” In so doing, the contributors to this 176-page thematic issue “enter the space of political and identity negotiations to relinquish absolutes and to open up to multiple forms of agency.” These forms of agency manifest in numerous ways, from the Fluxus Manifesto to the words of an Enlightenment painter, from bats to spider webs, from cartography to geological deep time, from AI-generated toys to PowerPoint and Miro boards.

Miljački and Lui talk with Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers from Dream the Combine; J. Yolande Daniels and Amanda Williams from the Black Reconstruction Collective; architect and curator Andrés Jaque, and 2021 Chicago Architecture Biennial curator David Brown about their collaborative practices. Sumayya Vally and Moad Musbahi transcribe site-specific music, while Curtis Roth uses gig workers' gestures to create paintings. The Architecture Lobby and Dark Matter University discuss the implications of coauthorship through their cowritten dialogues; Timothy Hyde and Lisa Haber-Thomson study Welsh building codes; Sarah Hirschman looks at US copyright law; and De Peter Yi and Laura Marie Peterson document how residents use the Detroit Land Bank. Historians Anna Bokov, S.E. Eisterer, and Michael Kubo recount coauthorship in Soviet education, resistance in gestapo prisons, and today's anonymous architectural megacorporation.[-]
Log 54: Coauthoring gathers essays by and conversations with architects, curators, historians, and collectives that, as guest editors Ana Miljački and Ann Lui write, begin to “imagine the field of architecture orienting around coauthoring instead of authoring” and “challenge the model of architectural authorship that dominates both architectural discourse and the market.” In so doing, the contributors to this 176-page ...[+]

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Log. - N°55 summer 2022 - | Log. ; Log. 20/12/2022

Sommaire de revue

- n° 2022- - 178p.
Summer 2022

From a bridge to blockchain, Amazonian urbanism to artificial intelligence, Log 55 recognizes the vast concerns of architecture today. This 176-page open issue, which includes a 16-page color insert, compiles essays, building and exhibition reviews, and remarks by 25 architects, theorists, and artists from around the world. In Berlin, Tim Altenhof critiques the newly rebuilt Humboldt Forum; in Los Angeles, Victor J. Jones reviews Michael Maltzan's Ribbon of Light Viaduct; in New York, Cynthia Davidson visits the late Virgil Abloh's “social sculpture,” and Thomas de Monchaux views “Anthony Ames Fifty Paintings”; in Quito, Ana María Durán Calisto and Sanford Kwinter draw inspiration from Indigenous territorial intelligence; in Rotterdam, Christophe Van Gerrewey reflects on MVRDV's Boijmans Depot; in Taipei, Kwang-Yu King compares two new cultural venues by OMA and RUR; and in Tokyo, Jan Vranoský pens a postmortem for Kisho Kurokawa's Nakagin Capsule Tower. Matthew Allen looks to computer science for a way out of the theory-practice divide; Simone Brott considers the ways NFTs will change architectural practice; Karel Klein draws parallels between memory and AI; and Marija Marič warns against digitized real estate fractions.

In addition, a special section guest edited by Francesco Marullo is devoted to Notes on the Desert. The section, which raises issues of climate change and the extraction economy, includes essays by architect Nathan Friedman on the US-Mexico border, artist Kim Stringfellow on jackrabbit homesteads, feminist scholar Traci Brynne Voyles on the 49ers, and architect Lydia Xynogala speaking for a desert toad; photo essays by the Center for Land Use Interpretation on nuclear tombs and by photographer Susan Lipper on desert utopia; as well as an interview with photographer Richard Misrach on his Cantos series.[-]
Summer 2022

From a bridge to blockchain, Amazonian urbanism to artificial intelligence, Log 55 recognizes the vast concerns of architecture today. This 176-page open issue, which includes a 16-page color insert, compiles essays, building and exhibition reviews, and remarks by 25 architects, theorists, and artists from around the world. In Berlin, Tim Altenhof critiques the newly rebuilt Humboldt Forum; in Los Angeles, Victor J. Jones reviews ...[+]

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Log. - N°52 | Log. ; Anyone Corporation 01/07/2021 H

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°52 summer 2021 - 177 p.
Cynthia Davidson, “The Environments of Emilio Ambasz”
Charles L. Davis II, “Inside the Museum, Outside the Discourse”
Fonna Forman & Teddy Cruz, “On Propinquity: Return the Body to Democracy”
Kurt W. Forster, “Leaps and Bounds, Grace and Gravity”
Deborah Gans, “What Does It Mean to Be Safe?”
Thelma Golden, David Adjaye & Rick Lowe, “Space, Place, and Black Social Practice”
Vickii Howell with Joycelyn Davis, Darron Patterson & Joe Womack, “Africatown: The Quest for Spatial Justice”
Clement Luk Laurencio, Memory Palace
Kyle Miller, “On Singles and Soundtracks”
Thomas de Monchaux, “All Things Seen and Unseen”
Whitney Moon, “Making Room for Architecture”
Lindy Roy with Leah Kelly, “Navigating a Nervous Ecology”
Patrick Templeton, “The Cost of ‘Public' Space”
Ed Keller, “The Cosmopolitical Gesture”
Gökhan Kodalak, “Cosmodality: Prolegomena to a New Architectural Metaphysics”
Gökhan Kodalak & Elizabeth Grosz, “Fundamental Connectedness: On Philosophy, Nature, and Design”
Sanford Kwinter, “Reality: Virtual, Augmented, Transpersonal”
And observations on other people's stuff, “nature,” Maya Lin's Ghost Forest, an avenue, and a highway . . .
Cynthia Davidson, “The Environments of Emilio Ambasz”
Charles L. Davis II, “Inside the Museum, Outside the Discourse”
Fonna Forman & Teddy Cruz, “On Propinquity: Return the Body to Democracy”
Kurt W. Forster, “Leaps and Bounds, Grace and Gravity”
Deborah Gans, “What Does It Mean to Be Safe?”
Thelma Golden, David Adjaye & Rick Lowe, “Space, Place, and Black Social Practice”
Vickii Howell with Joycelyn Davis, Darron Patterson & Joe ...[+]

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Log 46 | Log. ; Anyone Corporation 21/08/2019 H

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°46 summer 2019 - 152 p.
Carte postale : Chefchaouen Maroc

-Mark Foster Gage, Michael Meredith & Michael Young, “MMM: Multiple Resolutions”
-Jimenez Lai, “Between Irony and Sincerity”
-Viola Ago, “Compositional Physics and Other Diagrams of Force”
-Edward Eigen, “Consequences”
-Thomas Daniell, “Finding a Voice”
-Tadao Ando, Thomas Daniell trad., Urban Guerilla Dwellings
-Philip Ursprung, “Unending Journey: Forster on Schinkel”
-David Gissen, “Wake New History”
-Pier Paolo Tamburelli, “Dante, Giotto, Piero, Bramante”
-Camilo José Vergara, “The Other Street Art”
-Adam Longenbach, “Walls and the Virtues of (Mis)Readings”
-Patrick Templeton, “Analog Algorithm”
-François Roche, “The Dance of Death: Letter from BKK”
-David Heymann, “Net Zero”
-Sharel Liu, “Community on Tap: The Commodification of Identity”
-Andrés F. Ramirez & Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, “Image Building: A Conversation”
-Cynthia Davidson, “Up and Away at JFK”
-Charles Waldheim, “The Aero-Gangplank and the Avant Garde
-vi Diamantopoulou, “The View from Below”[-]
Carte postale : Chefchaouen Maroc

-Mark Foster Gage, Michael Meredith & Michael Young, “MMM: Multiple Resolutions”
-Jimenez Lai, “Between Irony and Sincerity”
-Viola Ago, “Compositional Physics and Other Diagrams of Force”
-Edward Eigen, “Consequences”
-Thomas Daniell, “Finding a Voice”
-Tadao Ando, Thomas Daniell trad., Urban Guerilla Dwellings
-Philip Ursprung, “Unending Journey: Forster on Schinkel”
-David Gissen, “Wake New ...[+]


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Log. - N°45 | Log. ; Anyone Corporation 19/08/2019

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°45, Winter / Spring 2019 - 160 p.
Paola Antonelli & Cynthia Davidson, “Paola Antonelli on ‘Broken Nature'”
Henry N. Cobb, “A Note on ‘Loitering, the Grecian Way'”
Cameron Cortez, “Shibuya Microwave Theater”
Elizabeth Diller & Cynthia Davidson, “Choral Works: Elizabeth Diller on The Mile-Long Opera”
Sofía von Ellrichshausen & Mauricio Pezo, “52109181847”
Dora Epstein Jones, “Little People Everywhere: The Populated Plan”
David Erdman, “Quantum Mediums”
Deborah Fausch, “Complexity and Expression in Robert Venturi”
Douglas Hartig, “A Bored Book”
Jeffrey Kipnis, “A Man for All Reasons”
Lars Lerup, “A Sea Change: Refining Simplicity”
Graham McKay, “A Shinohara House Is a Work of Art”
Caspar Pearson, “Into the Blue: Two Empty Pavilions, Two Loaded Books”
Patrick Templeton, “Adjacent Stakes”
Stephan Trüby, “How the Right Tries to Reconstruct an Alternative German History”
Peter Trummer, “Architecture in the Age of Hyperobjects”
Wang Shu, “The Narrative of the Mountain”
And observations on a Gio Ponti in Paris, A Cat in a Window, Time, Log Cabins, and Japanese Influence . . .
Carte postale : "Caution ! Slippery", Tropical islands Resorts, Krausnick Germany Photo de Shane Reiner-Roth.[-]
Paola Antonelli & Cynthia Davidson, “Paola Antonelli on ‘Broken Nature'”
Henry N. Cobb, “A Note on ‘Loitering, the Grecian Way'”
Cameron Cortez, “Shibuya Microwave Theater”
Elizabeth Diller & Cynthia Davidson, “Choral Works: Elizabeth Diller on The Mile-Long Opera”
Sofía von Ellrichshausen & Mauricio Pezo, “52109181847”
Dora Epstein Jones, “Little People Everywhere: The Populated Plan”
David Erdman, “Quantum Mediums”
Deborah Fausch, ...[+]


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Log. - N°43 summer 2018 | Log. ; Anyone Corporation 23/04/2019

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°43 summer 2018 - 176 p.
Dossier thématique « The Issue of Geometry »par Cameron Wu.
Peter Carl : Architecture, Géometries, Rhythms
Henry N. Cobb et Cameron Wu : Metamorphic Towers
Preston Scott Cohen : Functional Pruning
Olafur Eliasson et Sebastian Behmann : Reality Drivers
Iman Fayyad : Phantom Space
Wes Jones : Architecture versus geometry
George L. Legendre : Form haïku
Patrik Schumacher : The Progress of Geometry as Design Resource
Andrew Witt : Grayboxing
Wu :Ellipse, Parabole, Hyperbole
Ce numéro présente également des essais sur le retrait de l'architecture et l'engagement vers l'austérité architecturale (Pierre Chabard :" "Utilitas Firmitas Austeritas" ), l'architecture de l'exploitation minière (The cryptoshed Matthew Mullane), et la matérialité miésienne, ainsi qu'une conversation avec l'architecte japonais Hiromi Fujii.[-]
Dossier thématique « The Issue of Geometry »par Cameron Wu.
Peter Carl : Architecture, Géometries, Rhythms
Henry N. Cobb et Cameron Wu : Metamorphic Towers
Preston Scott Cohen : Functional Pruning
Olafur Eliasson et Sebastian Behmann : Reality Drivers
Iman Fayyad : Phantom Space
Wes Jones : Architecture versus geometry
George L. Legendre : Form haïku
Patrik Schumacher : The Progress of Geometry as Design Resource
Andrew Witt : Grayboxing
Wu ...[+]


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Log. - N°44 fall 2018 - | Log. 23/04/2019

Sommaire de revue

- n° N°44 fall 2018 - 168 p.
Pour ce numéro du 15e anniversaire de Log, les architectes interrogent la place de l'architecture et du discours architectural dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Entretien entre Cynthia Davidson et Kenneth Frampton, Lion d'Or de la Biennale de Venise 2018
Rafael Moneo : à la recherche du sens dans l'architecture contemporaine : leçon inaugurale à la Royal institution, Londres, 2017.
Jesse Reiser et Nanako Umemoto : "It could Always Be otherwise" extrait en avant-premières du livre à paraitre " Projects and Their Consequences"
Zack Saunders à propos de l'exposition #digitaldisobediences" et François Roche, (S/he New-Territories).
Ludovico Centis : An American temple The Manhattan project, développement des armes nucléaires (Chicago Pile 1)
Alicia Imperiale : An "other" aesthetic : Moretti's Parametric architecture
Christophe Van Gerrewey explore une œuvre des années 1980 à Amsterdam
par OMA : A Weissenhofsiedlung For Amsterdam
Michael Meredith : low-Resolution Houses : exposition de 44 maisons par 44 agences à l'Université de Princeton
Michelle Chang propose le flou comme position critique et source de créativité : "Something Vague"
Renee Kemp-Rotan Injustice poetic : Monument, museum and metaphor : les monuments commémoratifs américains de l'injustice raciale.
Fred Bernstein : "Sweet sixteen Acres" et Douglas Hartig : "Tower Foundations : an interview with Daniel Libeskind" : le point sur le site du World Trade Center 15 ans après la compétition pour reconstruire Ground Zero
Pier Vittorio Aureli : Appropriation, Subdivision, Abstraction : a political History of the urban grid. ( histoire de la façon dont la grille a été utilisée pour organiser la socio-économie des villes)
George Baird et xx voto répondent au Log 42 respectivement « phenomenology Upside Down"» et "Written after Work" (architecture et féminisme) [-]
Pour ce numéro du 15e anniversaire de Log, les architectes interrogent la place de l'architecture et du discours architectural dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Entretien entre Cynthia Davidson et Kenneth Frampton, Lion d'Or de la Biennale de Venise 2018
Rafael Moneo : à la recherche du sens dans l'architecture contemporaine : leçon inaugurale à la Royal institution, Londres, 2017.
Jesse Reiser et Nanako Umemoto : "It could Always Be otherwise" ...[+]


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Log. - 41 Fall 2018- | Log. 12/10/2018

Sommaire de revue

- n° 2018- - 174

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- n° 2017-Sring-summer - 159 p.
Trisha Brown Spanish Dance, part of “Accumulating Pieces”

David Buege Stone Cats, Live Squirrel

Hubert Damisch Noah's Ark

Cynthia Davidson The New Agrarian Ideal?

Cynthia Deng & Elif Erez Tin Candid

Mark Foster Gage Speculation vs. Indifference

Hana Gründler Borderline Experiences: Ethics, Art, and Alterity

Log Team The Little Things

Pablo Martínez Capdevila An Italian Querelle: Radical vs. Tendenza

John May Everything Is Already an Image

V. Mitch McEwen Architecture in the Hold

Matthew Soules Constant Object

Brett Steele Anecdote as Evidence: Zaha's World

Elisabetta Terragni Specchi a Milano

PLUS: A diluvian drain . . . Whole Foods preservation . . . and more . . .[-]
Trisha Brown Spanish Dance, part of “Accumulating Pieces”

David Buege Stone Cats, Live Squirrel

Hubert Damisch Noah's Ark

Cynthia Davidson The New Agrarian Ideal?

Cynthia Deng & Elif Erez Tin Candid

Mark Foster Gage Speculation vs. Indifference

Hana Gründler Borderline Experiences: Ethics, Art, and Alterity

Log Team The Little Things

Pablo Martínez Capdevila An Italian Querelle: Radical vs. Tendenza

John May Everything Is ...[+]



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